Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Clickbank Affiliates Loophole.

Affiliate marketing is the fastest growing home based business opportunity on the internet today. As a Clickbank affiliate you have the potential to earn commissions ranging from 50% to 75%. That is the highest of any affiliate network on the internet. Clickbank affiliates have access to over 10,000 products to accommodate any area of expertise.

Becoming a Clickbank affiliate is easy. Visit their website and sign up for your free Clickbank affiliate account. As soon as your are accepted you can begin to promote affiliate products right away.

The most common mistake new Clickbank affiliates make is to promote the same popular products that everyone else is. A lot of times people sign up as a Clickbank affiliate through a link that they got from some online marketing program they bought into. After they become a Clickbank affiliate they promote that product and expect to make money. The reason they aren't seeing any significant results is that they are competing with thousands of other Clickbank affiliates who are doing the same thing. I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy an online marketing program. I bought quite a few of them myself when I was first learning about affiliate marketing and how to promote products as a Clickbank affiliate. What I am saying is take the concepts they teach you and apply it to products that are less competitive and have a chance of earning you some real money as a Clickbank affiliate.

The best resource for finding profitable products is the Clickbank marketplace. The Clickbank marketplace lists every product they have in their network. You can search for products by category or type in a specific keyword and see product results that are related to your search term. Clickbank shows you different statistics for each product listed. As a Clickbank affiliate you want to pay close attention to these stats because they will help you determine which products might be more profitable.

1. $/sale - This is the average amount that you the Clickbank affiliate will earn every time you sell this product. This price reflects refunds and charge-backs. So visit the sales page and see how much the product is selling for. If it sells for $50 and has a 75% commission then you should expect to make $35 after Clickbank's cut. If the product is showing a $/sale much lower then you know that there are a lot of refunds going on and the product is probably not worth promoting.

2. %/sale - This figure represents the percent per sale each Clickbank affiliate should receive. You want to look for products that have commission rate between 50% and 70%. Higher than 70% usually means more competition and anything lower than 50% isn't worth the time and effort.

3. %/refd - This is the percent of the products total sales that are generated by Clickbank affiliates. If this is a low figure like 50% then the merchant is earning most of it's sales on its own and you shouldn't expect to earn much with their product. Look for products that have a 75% to 90% referral rate.

4. Gravity - This number tells you how many Clickbank affiliates are promoting this product. Don't choose products with the highest gravity because it will be hard to compete. Ideally you want to look for products that have a gravity higher than the others listed above and below it. This means that the program has been running strong for the last few months and there is an opportunity to make some money before the product becomes too competitive.

Finding profitable products to promote is an important first step in becoming a successful Clickbank affiliate. You will also need a good marketing strategy for any products you choose to promote.

Blogging to the Bank.

First, I have to tell you that I have never made any money online, I am totally unfamiliar with e-marketing and, moreover, until recently I had no idea what "blog" means. But I got in to a situation when I need big money and urgently.
I have made quite a research on the Internet on making money and from all the methods out there the one described by Rob Benwell in "Blogging to the Bank" looked the most reliable to me. I have a critical set of mind, and I will never put a cent into something that does not give me the promised returns. Somehow I believed in Rob's e-book, maybe because of the way he wrote his ad letter or maybe because he promises a realistic income of up to $500 a day. Many others promise insane $60,000-80,000 a month for doing nothing. I consider them spam immediately.
Once I've decided to buy "Blogging to the Bank" I rushed doing so as I did not want to pay for it $97 instead of $47 what it costs right now. Soon he is planning to increase the price as he gets too many customers to manage the orders.
However, already in my "Thank you" letter I got an unpleasant surprise: another ad to buy a new e-book "Blog Announcer Pro" helping generate traffic to your blog. I think it is not a smart move as customers who have already trusted him get an impression that he is just trying to squeeze money out of us. But as soon as I started reading his "Blogging to the Bank" e-book I realized that it is a great stuff. It is full of useful information, without which I would not be able to do a thing, and he does reveal some secrets.
I have just started to put everything he wrote into practice and eager to find out if it really works. Somehow I feel that it does.
Sure, I am going to keep you posted on my results just keep returning to my blog.
P.S. Rob also provides in "Blogging to the Bank" a couple of software to buy. Personally, I will wait till I get some earnings using free methods he describes.

Monday, 22 February 2010

The Retired Millionare.

Will you have a sense of fulfillment and security when you have at least a million dollars in the bank when you are old and cannot work anymore? Almost anyone can retire as a millionaire, all you need is a little over $3 a day. We will explore some techniques to make money work for you and make you a millionaire while you retire.
Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost Averaging (or Regular Savings Plan) is a simple strategy of investing small amount of money every month. Investing at least $100 every month in some investment like mutual funds or stocks that has an average annual return of 8% to 10%. Make this as an extra savings after your social security or provident fund savings.
Einstein wondered Compounding as the eighth wonder. What made a mathematical genius wonder at this simple principle? Let us now see the power of compounding.
Let us say you are using Dollar cost average method to invest regularly. And you are investing $100 a month in stocks or mutual funds with a annual return of 10%. At the end of first year you will have $1320. At the end of 10 years you will have $21,037. Not a big sum, but still avoid the temptation to withdraw for that vacation. By the end of 30 years you will have some $217,132. After this at the end of 40 years you will have $ 584,222.
Now the magic happens, at the end of 46 years guess how much you will have, it will be million dollars ($1,045,170). If you notice that it took 10 years to accumulate $20,484, but it only took last six years to generate $460,948 or double from $ 584,222 to $1,045,170.
For compounding to work its magic
1. You must put aside some money lump sum or regularly in an interest generating account
2. Must not withdraw from the account
3. Allow sufficient time to compound
What you have done here is to simply invested $100 a month, which is like little more than $3 a day and retire as a millionaire. If you have started investing at the age of 20, by the age of 66 when you retire you will be a Millionaire.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

The Rich Jerk

The Rich Jerk- You have probably heard of him. His real name is Kelly Felix, and he is filthy rich. The Rich Jerk has become a multimillionaire by making money online, and he is famous for his popular ebook that spills his secrets to his online success.
The question that everyone wonders after reading his unique sales pitch, is " Is this guy legit or a big scam?" Most people are aware of the get rich quick scams flooding the net these days, and it is very wise to do your research before investing in any internet product. After reading the Rich Jerk sales pitch on his website, you might go to google and type in something like "Rich Jerk Review" just to see what other people are saying about this dude. You will most likely see two common trends:
1- His book isn't for beginners
2-He's an arrogant jerk
I would have agreed that his book isn't for beginner internet marketers until the rich jerk added a new chapter in his ebook devoted to the beginners. There's no doubt the rich jerk comes off as an arrogant jerk, but it doesn't matter because he's rich and he is willing to teach you how he does it.
The rich jerk is no get rich quick scam. You won't become rich overnight using his strategies, but if you do put his secrets to use, you will make money and see results. Complete newbies can be successful with the rich jerk program, as well as experienced internet marketers.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Traffic Swan


 Bluevoda is a free website building software that is really easy to use. The quality is professional and the variety of customization options allows you to flex your creativity. This is a website builder that doesn't require any programming. You don't need to have any HTML knowledge. It's simply drag and drop. The software can be downloaded directly onto your computer at no cost. I am an internet marketer and I need to be able to profit from my website, so I was definitely searching for a resource that gave me options.
One of the concerns I had when I started online was that I didn't have much tech savvy, so I was a bit worried when it came to designing my first website. Fortunately, BlueVoda is great for beginners and experienced web masters alike. Since you don't need to know html or any other code, you won't have to spend your time stuck on how to implement it. You can literally test drive it right away. Now that I've had a good deal of practice with it, I can build a simple web page in 15 minutes. If it's your first time using BlueVoda, I would suggest watching the video tutorials and then start building. After you watch them, you should be able to get a website up in no time.
With BlueVoda, you can have the same professional grade website similar to that which you would receive from a designer charging you hundreds or thousands of dollars. There are plenty of different header graphics, themed templates, blank templates and clipart that you get for free with the download. In my opinion, they provide more than I would ever need. The fact that it is a desktop application allows you to build your website without having to be connected to the Internet. However, to use Bluevoda you need to host with them as well. Their hosting service is VodaHost. This is the one caveat of the free download. That said, web hosting is very cheap through VodaHost. I only pay $7.95 per month.
So, if you're looking to profit from your website, then BlueVoda is a great option. Since the software doesn't cost anything, I highly recommend you at least download it, test it out and then see if it fits what you're looking for. Visit the link below to get access to the free software. Good luck with your website!

Sunday, 7 February 2010